Frequently Asked Questions

How are donations used?

70% of funds are distributed to partner agencies that provide dignity grants to help low-income seniors and 30% of funds are distributed to support research for a better tomorrow.

How can I get involved and help?

- Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn
- Make a donation
- Contact us about becoming a board member
- Sign up to volunteer with our Habitat partner 

How can I find out if I qualify for support?

All grant requests are made through our community partners. This is to help ensure that all requests are vetted and resources are directed to those most in need. Please reach out directly to our community partners and tell them about your situation. They will work to determine if the need can be met through another resource and/or make the connection to BSSOA dignity grants.

How are Research Grants Selected?

To date, most of the research we've funded has been conducted by Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology. However, in 2020, the Board of Trustees expanded the scope of research to include other qualified institutions, including health care institutions. Research requests are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.

What is RampUp?

RampUp! is a collaborative that includes Habitat for Humanity local and state affiliates, the Baldwin Society Supporting Older Adults, the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University, and other supporters that was formed to help seniors, veterans, and all people who require a ramp to leave their home. Each year hundreds of people are unable to move about freely and participate in their community because they do not have a way to leave their home. They are unable to afford the private cost of a ramp and/or lift so they contact local Habitat offices and wait. Many people waiting on Habitat lists have been waiting for months, and even years.

What is the connection to Baldwin House Senior Living? 

While the Baldwin Society Supporting Older Adults was also founded by the Gillette family, the Society is a 501 (c)3 and entirely separate entity managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.